


Concert theme: Thanking the participants of the military parade of 27 July.
Place: People’s Theatre
Audience: Mainly young soldiers who had participated in the parade, and who had stayed in Pyongyang, departing to home barracs around the country after the concert
KJU: Present
KCNA: Slightly approving; calendar>>August 3, 2013

The video has a wrong scale 720:420, which makes it look as if the ladies have become 20 kg fatter; should be 4:3 = 720:540 = 640:480. Can be corrected in VLC or Flip player; QuickTime can do nothing for it.

Band members were still introduced by picture and name in the beginning of the concert. This was the last time. Kim Sol-mi with the highest military rank (three stars, sangwi) was naturally placed first in the list of singers; the top singer Ryu Jina as the second one is also understandable. Ra Yu-mi as the rapidly rising star was placed third, followed by Kim Yu-kyong and Pak Mi-kyong. Jong Su-hyang, Pak Son-hyang and Ri Myong-hui were placed on the last slide. Although they work a lot as accompanying singers, especially Pak, they for some reason are not favoured. The singers have a clear ranking order, which seems to reflect on one hand military rank (Kim), on the second singing skills (Ryu), and on the third perhaps personal favour, family connection, or something like that (Ra). In the case of musicians placing Sonu Hyang-hui as the concert master first, followed by other string players is understandable, as they still are the artistic nucleus of the band. But it is hard to see any sensible ranking order in the case of the other musicians.

00.03.00 애국가 Egukka National anthem 愛国歌
Composition: Kim Won-gyun 김원균 金元均, lyrics: Pak Se-yong 박세영 朴世永, 1947
Ra Yu-mi begins a cappella, followed by Ryu Jina. Then the whole oktet. Finally the band joins in. A well done beginning.

00.04.52 모든 힘을 전쟁의 승리를 위하여 Motŭn himŭl jŏnjengye sŭngnirŭl wihayŏ Go all out for victory in the war すべての力を戦争に勝利のために
The song name comes from the title of a speech given by Kim Il Song in 1950.06.26, a day after the Korean War started. No other creation info
Instrumental + octet

00.05.48 Kim Il Song arrives. This time not as a moving figure on film, but only as a speaking still picture, which closely resembles the figure of his grandson.

00.07.07 진군 또 진군 Jingun to jingun Marching and marching 進軍また進軍
Composition: Hwang Hak-gun 황학근, lyrics: group, 1950
The song is not announced on the screen; the singers simply start singing it. The oktet is placed at the back of the stage, implying that what is shown on the screen is more important than their beautiful figures.

00.08.36 축복의 노래 Chukbokye nore Song for Blessing 祝福の歌
The origin of the song is said to be a letter sent by Kim Jong-il – when he was 11 – to his father at the front in 1952, and consequently the whole song is credited to him; no other creation info.
Duo: Jong Su-hyang, Ryu Jina. Pangchang (small choir): Pak Mi-kyong, Kim Sol-mi, Ri Myong-hui, Pak Son-hyang

00.13.30 문경고개 Mungyŏng Koge Mungyong Pass 聞慶峠
Composition: Ri Myon-sang 리면상, 1950

전쟁영화노래련곡 Jŏnjeng yŏnghwa nore ryŏngok Medley of war movie songs 戦争映画の歌メドレー

00.17.41 우리의 최고사령관 Uriye chwego saryŏnggwan Our highest commander 我らの最高司令官
Composition: Kim Won-gyun 김원균, 1951
Septet; Ryu Jina absent

00.20.05 고지에서의 노래 Kojiesŏye nore Song at the highlands 高地での歌
No creation info
Violin: Sonu Hyang-hui
Guitar: Kang Phyong-hui

00.21.27 나는 알았네 Nanŭn aranne I understood 私は分かった
From the movie 월미도 ”Wolmido” 「月尾島」。”Moon Tail Island” was an island about 1 km from the coast of present South Korea. Nowadays it is connected with the mainland, being situated between the Incheon International Airport and Incheon City/Seoul. It is a favourite weekend destination for citizens of the capital region, as there is a theme park. In 10 September 1950 it was an important North Korean defensive base protecting Seoul, containing both North Korean soldiers and several hundreds of local inhabitants. When American troops began their surprise offensive against Seoul, the island was heavily bombarded for five days by both artillery fire and napalm, leading to a high death rate among the soldiers and civilians, as basically the whole island surface was burned down. The movie is thus about heroic death in flames, and resignation in front of the inevitable.
Composition: Ra Guk 라국, lyrics: Jon Tong-u 전동우, 1982
Duo: Kim Sol-mi, Pak Mi-kyong

00.23.00 추억의 노래 Chuŏgye nore Song of recollections 追憶の歌
No creation info
Trio: Jong Su-hyang, Ri Myong-hui, Kim Yu-kyong

00.24.07 나는 영원히 그대의 아들 Nanŭn yŏngwŏni kŭdeye adŭl I’ll be forever your son 私は永遠にあなたの息子
Lyrics: Jon Tongu 전동우, 1984
Short solo: Kim Yu-kyong + sextet

00.25.30 소년빨찌산의 노래 Sonyŏng parzisanye nore Song of a young partisan 少年パルチザンの歌
Composition: Ri Kyonu 리건우, lyrics: Kim Hak-yon 김학연, 1951

00.26.20 축포가 오른다 Chukphoga orŭnda Cannon salute (or fireworks) rising 祝砲(花火)が上がる
No creation info


00.28.19 전승의 축포여 말하라 Chŏnsŭngye chukphoyŏ marara Tell, cannon salute (or fireworks) about the war victory 戦勝の祝砲(花火)よ、語れ
Composition: Nam Chol 남철, lyrics: Ri Ji-song 리지성, 2013
Solo: Ryu Jina

00.33.33 샘물터에서 Semmul thŏesŏ On the bank of a spring 泉のほとりで
Known in YouTube as ”At the spring site”
Composition: Yun Sung-jin 윤승진, lyrics: Choe Ro-sa 최로사, 1952
Quintet: Pak Mi-kyong, Kim Sol-mi, Jong Su-hyang, Kim Yu-kyong, Pak Son-hyang
The dance number of the concert. The string quartet leaves its instruments and surprisingly comes to participate for 25 seconds. This was surprising. They behave in a manner that tells to the audience that discipline can be broken if it is fun, and the ones doing this are the string players. They are in the role of creative anarchists in the band; may be a strong word, but as far as I know this kind of behavior has never earlier been seen in North Korean TV concerts, and in a military dress. Of course they had rehearsed the choreography beforehand, so that it was a planned act, but who planned it is not known. The ladies themselves smile happily, which means that they themselves clearly liked what they did. Nice anyway; they were behaving like girls, not like soldiers. Although it was only for 25 seconds, this was culturally an important moment. … and they did it right before the extremely serious visit by Kim Il Song …  the more I think of this the more surprised I become.

00.36.20 Generalissimo Kim Il Song’s visit

00.36.35 우리는 승리했네 Urinŭn sŭngnihenne We won 我らは勝った
Composition: Ri Myon-sang 리면상, 1953

00.37.49 Kim Il Song arrives again, now in film

00.39.20 김일성대원수 만만세 Kim Il Sŏng tewŏnsu manmanse Long long live generalissimo Kim Il Song 金日成大元帥万々歳
Composition: Ri Myon-sang 리면상, lyrics: group, 1974


00.41.20 위대한 전승의 명절 Widehan jŏnsŭngye myŏngjŏl Celebration for the great victory 偉大な戦勝の名節(祝日)
Composition: Hyon Kyong-il 현경일, lyrics: Cha Ho-gun 차호근, 2013

00.44.22 위대한 년대의 승리자들에게 경의를 드린다 Widehan nyŏndeye sŭngni jadŭlege kyŏngyerŭl tŭrinda Honour to victors of the great year 偉大な年代の勝利者に敬意を捧ぐ
Composition: Jo Kyong-jun & Hyon Un-chol 조경준 & 현은철, lyrics: Han De-jun & Jong Ye-nyam 한태준 정예냠, 2013

00.46.55 7.27 행진곡 Chirichi hengjingok July 27 march 7・27の行進曲
Composition: Jo Kyong-jun 조경준, lyrics: Cha Ho-gun 차호근, 2013

00.50.50 우리를 보라 Urirŭl pora Look at us! 我らを見よ
Composer: Hwang Jin-yong 황진영, lyrics: Jang Tongu 전동우, 1992
Text at the bottom of the screen:
지금 경애하는 김정은원수님을 모시고 진행한 위대한 조국해방전쟁승니 60돐경축 열병식 참가자들을 위한 란봉악단의 죽하공영을 록화실황으로 보내드리고있습니다
means in my understanding something like ”Now broadcasting a recording of the Moranbong Band live concert for participants in the parade for celebrating the 60 years anniversary of the victorious national liberation as ordered by Marshal Kim Jong Un”. Just a message for those who only now opened their TVs.

Let’s serve with arms our highest commander: Medley

00.54.54 무장으로 받들자 우리의 최고사령관 Mujangŭro pattŭlja uriye chwego saryŏnggwan Let’s serve with arms our highest commander 武装で仕えよう、我らの最高司令官
Composition: Kim Won-gyun 김원균, 1951. Boys and girls dancing. Activists come and ask others to join.

00.56.25 포병의 노래 Phobyŏngye nore Artillery song 砲兵の歌
Composition: Hwang Jin-yong 황진영, 1997

00.57.42 조국의 바다지켜 영생하리라 Jogukye padajikhyŏ yŏngseng harira The sea will watch the eternal life of the country 祖国の海を護り、永生せん
From the 1982 film Memoirs of a war reporter 従軍記者の手記,
Composition: Ra Guk 라국, lyrics: Pak Gu-son 박두선, 1982

00.58.37 하늘의 방패 우리가 되리 Hanŭlye pangphe uriga tweri We’ll be the shield of the sky 空の盾に我らならん
From the 1950s film Don’t wait for our return 『我らを待つな』, no other info

00.59.40 땅크병의 노래 Tangghŭbyŏngye nore Song of tank troops タンク兵の歌
Composition: An Jong-ho 안정호, 1998
Duo: Ryu Jina, Ra Yu-mi -> oktet

01.00.38 무장으로 받들자 우리의 최고사령관 Mujangŭro pattŭlja uriye chwego saryŏnggwan Let’s serve with arms our highest commander 武装で仕えよう、我らの最高司令官
Composition: Kim Won-gyun 김원균, 1951


01.01.50 우리의 총창우에 평화가 있다 Uriye chongchangue phyŏngwaga itta Peace is on our bayonets 我らの銃剣の上に平和がある
Composition: Ri Jongo 리종오, lyrics: Jong Un-ok 정은옥, 1993
Duo: Ryu Jina, Ra Yu-mi -> oktet. Ra Yu-mi replaced Pak Son-hyang in this duo.

01.06.05 그 품이 제일 좋아 Kŭ phumi jeil joa Your bosom is the best あなたの懐が一番良い
Composition: Kim Un-ryong 김운룡, lyrics: Cha Ho-gun 차호근, 2013. Young members in the front row are encouraged to dance during KJU songs. Those in the second row refrain from shouting them down for spoiling the view. Whether the dancing is spontaneous or not cannot be determined, but at least it has not been rehearsed before. Some youngsters are reluctant to join, meaning that they are surprised of the situation.
Quintet: Pak Mi-kyong, Kim Sol-mi, Jong Su-hyang, Kim Yu-kyong, Ryu Jina

01.09.05 운명도 미래도 맡긴 분 Unmyŏngdo miredo matgin pun Our fate and future entrusted on him 運命も未来も任せた方
Composition: Kim Un-ryong 김운룡, lyrics: Ri Myong-gun 리명근, 2013

01.10.50 Ending rituals
01.12.07 Repeat of the whole concert

Kim Un-ryong 2 2013
Jo Kyong-jun 2 2013
Hyon Kyong-il 1 2013
Hwang Jin-yong 2 old
An Jong-ho 1 old

Lyrics new

Cha Ho-gun 3 2013
Ri Myong-gun 1 2013
Han De-jun & Jong Ye-nyam 1 2013

No creation info 4.

29 songs, at least 5 new. Only 4 songs from announced MBB vice directors. Thus they are not always the main providers of compositions.

Ryu Jina11

Ryu Jina, in a distorted resolution

Ryu Jina11corr

Ryu Jina, resolution corrected with Moalian’s help. The difference is about 20 kg, or perhaps 30.

 One day I’ll get here better pictures. 

3 thoughts on “2013.08.03”

  1. moalian said:

    Dear Sir,

    I noticed you used video captures of the 2013 08 03 concert. The original resolution of the video of this concert is 640*480 (4:3) but the resolution of the YouTube video is 720*480 resulting in distorted / wider than actual views. Therefore the pictures are also distorted, and to do the members justice you may want to re-size (reduce) the width.

    Many thanks for you initiative to start this website, its a great source of information on MB.

  2. moalian said:

    Dear Sir,

    I am also a great fan of the MB and very interested in the details of the concerts and the members.

    I think I have to elaborate on the ‘distortion’ topic to be more clear as there is nothing wrong with what you have done. The original video of the concert 2013 08 03 is uploaded by DPRK Music Fan and while viewing I noticed that the ladies looked ‘fat’. This is not very helpful if your try to identify and recognize the ladies. The YouTube ‘right-click’ option “stats for nerds” shows the resolution as 720*480, a non-standard resolution. I suspected it should be 640*480 (4:3). To prove it for myself I took a screen grab of the big circles on the stage; analyzed the grab and indeed the circles are not round ! Only if you convert the video from 720*480 to 640*480 the circles are round and the ladies look natural. I informed DPRK Music Fan on YouTube but they did not act on it. BTW the same applies to the concert of 2013 07 27 also uploaded by DPRK Music Fan. (I can make both converted 640*480 videos available to you)

    You can see it for yourselves and insert one of your grabs in MS Word (or other program) and use a width scale of 0.8888 and height scale of 1.0000. You can try it with a picture of Ryu Jina as there are many pictures of her to compare. Trust this clarifies.

  3. MBfan said:

    The song 축복의 노래 and some others have a particular title called 불후의 고전적명작 (classic immortal masterpiece, the title was seen on 20130727). These songs’ creation are attributed to the Kims, like the “song of devotion”, “Korea, I will glorify thee”, “the flower girl” etc. NK songs are given a distinction whether it is a song from a film, a revolutionary composition or a masterpiece.

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